As I pointed out in my last post, homosexuality isn't an innate trait but a sin which God considers an abomination. Moreover, homosexual activists claim that Christ never once mentioned homosexuality so how can we then condemn it? They don't realize that he indirectly condemned it in Matthew chapter five and chapter nineteen.
So, how did he condemn it? Jesus quoted Genesis 2:24 (KJV)which plainly states, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." This excludes anything which isn't the wedding of one man to one woman for one lifetime.
The purpose of marriage is for procreation, illustration, and sanctification. Procreation means birthing and raising children. Illustration means the image of Christ to his church being his bride. Sanctification means the growing of the couple toward being like Christ in their behaviour.
Moreover, God is the author of marriage, not humanity. Just as there are fake diamonds which sparkle like the real thing, they're worthless unless they were made by God through his creation. Even lab-grown diamonds aren't worth much because they aren't the priceless gems which God created.

In this way, God is the author of marriage. In fact, we can liken it to a story written by an author and registered with the Library of Congress. Authors, and companies, take great umbrage when their works are pirated.
I remember a CB friend of mine who wanted to be called Jiminy Cricket. He even used the Disney drawing on his QSL cards,. Those are postcards which CB and amateur radio folks use to confirm that they spoke to one another on air. Disney heard of this piracy and threatened the man with a law suit. So he dropped his use of the company's image and name.

God is like that but much more powerful than any human-made corporation. This is why anything which isn't one-man-one-woman marriage is a hijacking of his institution.
I'll be writing more on this subject in my next book, You Think You're Going to Heaven?
Thanks to Voddie Baucham for the information I gleaned for this and future posts.
Bruce Atchison, marriage, Genesis 2:24, fake diamonds, Disney, Jiminy Cricket, Voddie Baucham, QSL cards
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