What a frightening and sombre piece this is. This British band used the voice of a psychiatrist to present the weirdness of that profession. If you're brave enough, listen to this music here:
One thing psychiatry can't explain is demon possession. In their worldly world view, it's some sort of psychosis.
But we Christians know better and so did Jesus. Matthew 9:32 and 33 (Bible in Basic English) shows how he easily healed people and cast out demons. "And while they were going away, there came to him a man without the power of talking, and with an evil spirit. And when the evil spirit had been sent out, the man had the power of talking: and they were all surprised, saying, 'Such a thing has never been seen in Israel.'"
That man never had to endure endless appointments or meetings with fake deliverance preachers.Christ also knew who was insane and who was possessed. As Matthew 4:24 (BBE) plainly shows, "And news of him went out through all Syria; and they took to him all who were ill with different diseases and pains, those having evil spirits and those who were off their heads, and those who had no power of moving. And he made them well."
Nobody had to be psychoanalyzed either. Jesus knew each person's diagnosis and healed them accordingly.Furthermore, the demons knew who Jesus was, and what he was, without being told. As Mark 5:6 and 7 (BBE) plainly shows, the demons were terrified of Christ. "And when he saw Jesus from far off, he went quickly to him and gave him worship; And crying out with a loud voice he said, 'What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God's name, do not be cruel to me.'" This poor man became Christ's first evangelist once he was freed of those devils.
And if our Lord hasn't arrived to cast all demons and the Devil into the lake of fire by Saturday, I hope to post about a woman who others thought was insane, or was she?
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Nurse With Wound: "I Was No Longer His Dominant"
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