God has much to say on this matter. The most famous passage is 1 Samuel 16:7 (BBE) when David was selected as king of Israel. "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not take note of his face or how tall he is, because I will not have him: for the Lord's view is not man's; man takes note of the outer form, but the Lord sees the heart.'"
Another good passage which shows how God knows our innermost secrets is Psalms 44:20 and 21 (BBE). "If the name of our God has gone out of our minds, or if our hands have been stretched out to a strange god, Will not God make search for it? for he sees the secrets of the heart."

We also have the responsibility to warn others who are sliding toward destruction. As Solomon wisely wrote in Proverbs 24:12 (BBE), "If you say, 'See, we had no knowledge of this:' does not the tester of hearts give thought to it? and he who keeps your soul, has he no knowledge of it? and will he not give to every man the reward of his work?"
Likewise, we read this truth in Jeremiah 17:9 (BBE). "The heart is a twisted thing, not to be searched out by man: who is able to have knowledge of it?" God is the only one who can figure it out.

It's obvious that people who say they're holy will be proven wrong on Judgement Day. That's why I feel compelled to write my next book called You Think You're Going to Heaven? All bishops, priests, and whatever else they're called will answer to God Almighty. Most won't have a decent answer to give.
On Thursday, I hope to post about God's reward for sanctified deeds.
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