In the providence of God, Sharon blacklock asked my sister Diane if she would attend her mom's vacation Bible school which she would conduct in her basement.
I felt reluctant at first. The previous year, I was thrown out of the Lutheran VBS for not being able to read the Bible. Nobody provided me with a strong magnifying glass and I had no idea where First Kings something-or-other was. So I felt reluctant to experience that again. When Diane insisted I go, I told myself I could always walk home if they were mean to me.

Our teacher also gave us something of much greater worth that week. She read to us the Bible's most quoted verse: John 3:16. The Bible in Basic English renders it this way. "For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life."
I felt puzzled. Nobody had told me that before. Was this really true? I pondered that until Friday, the last day of the class.
I decided it must be right if the Bible said so and I had nothing to lose. Then I confessed to Jesus that I was a sinner and asked him into my life. None of the ramifications of that decision were apparent to me then but I came to realize that I had placed the running of my life in his nail-scarred hands.

I detailed all the wicked things the house church elders did and how I eventually was deprogrammed by good Bible teaching in my memoir, How I Was Razed. Contact me if you wish to buy this paperback testimony of God's awesome grace.
On Saturday, I'll post about another person's meaningful summer. Unfortunately the man never was born again.
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