One new fad making its way through evangelical churches is the concept of covering or bathing an event in prayer. This certainly sounds spiritual but is it really?
There is no mention of covering an event with prayer in the Bible. Certainly there are requests for people to receive boldness but, as far as I've found, nobody prayed for the Lord to cover a specific venue with his blessing.
Paul did ask for boldness in Philippians 1:20 (BBE) in the matter of proclaiming the gospel. "In the measure of my strong hope and belief that in nothing will I be put to shame, but that without fear, as at all times, so now will Christ have glory in my body, by life or by death."
The early Christians also were given boldness to proclaim the truth, though they were persecuted for doing so. Acts 4:31 shows that they needed no prayer covering. "And when their prayer was ended, the place where they were was violently moved, and they all became full of the Holy Spirit, preaching the word of God without fear."
The Bible also says nothing about prayer walks. None of the apostles walked around the places they wished to evangelize while praying silently to the Lord. This too is superstition.

People think that walking around a certain area while praying for souls to be saved will make folks more receptive. What accomplishes this is God's predestined calling. After Peter declared the way of salvation to the Pentecost attendees, he said in Acts 2:39 (BBE) to whom this great gift would come. "For the word of God is for you and for your children and for all those who are far off, even all those who may be marked out by the Lord our God."

I'll be writing more on presumption and superstition in You Think You're Going to Heaven? Far too many so-called Christians try to get "breakthroughs" to satisfy their lustful pride. God isn't fooled, knowing the depths of evil in the human heart.
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