Canadian musician Gino Vanelli wrote and sang this song about powerful people in 1974. In it, he laments about these mighty leaders who won't let goodness be. He also expresses a feeling of helplessness at the prospect of actually changing things.
Listen to Gino's song here:

Israel's greatest king was Solomon. We read much about his God-given wisdom in the Bible. Second Chronicles 9:22 and 23 (BBE)tells of his great fame. "And King Solomon was greater than all the kings of the earth in wealth and in wisdom. And all the kings of the earth came to see Solomon and to give ear to his wisdom, which God had put into his heart."
But Solomon ended up a polygamist and an apostate, just like many other kings of Israel. If only he had the council of Jesus. Matthew 23:12 (BBE) warns, "And whoever makes himself high will be made low, and whoever makes himself low will be made high."
Here also is how God will treat all of us who don't boast and claim to be somebody. Check out 1 Peter 5:6 (BBE) which says, "For this cause make yourselves low under the strong hand of God, so that when the time comes you may be lifted up;"
On Monday, I'll post on the subject of so-called believers doubting miracles.
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