Fathers, in John's verse, are those mature Christians who desire to know the Father better. Unlike young men and children, they are plumbing the depths of God's awesome character.

Young men, as John MacArthur explained in one sermon, are those who are zealous for the truth. Paul advised those young-men types in 1 Corinthians 14:12 (BBE) when he wrote, "So if you are desiring the things which the Spirit gives, let your minds be turned first to the things which are for the good of the church."
As for those "children" types, they are the ones who are new believers in Christ. Jesus likened immigrants into the Kingdom of Heaven like little children. They have implicit trust in their parents, as we should in Christ. Luke 18:17 (BBE) says "Truly I say to you, Whoever does not put himself under the kingdom of God like a little child, will not come into it at all."

We easily see how John's analogy demonstrates sanctification. Children in Christ trust him. Young men learn and defend his teachings. But Fathers seek to know the Lord intimately.
I'll point this out in my next book called You Think You're Going to Heaven? Just as a child who won't develop mentally is a worry to its parents, so Christians who won't grow up are an embarrassment to the family of Christ.
On Thursday, I'll post about the world's biggest loser. He spent more than three years with the greatest teacher ever to walk this planet and still blew his golden opportunity.
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