Tuesday, 25 December 2012


"You can't be alone for Christmas," a female coworker exclaimed once when I told her of my plans for the holidays. In her mind, it was akin to the unpardonable sin. Yet I felt no remorse for being "alone' for Christmas. In fact, I enjoyed myself each twenty-fifth of December since 1992.

I'm not truly alone because the Holy Spirit dwells in me. Being part of the Trinity, he connects me to God and Jesus Christ. During the day that we designate as the Lord's birthday, I ponder the wonder of God becoming a baby born to a poor couple.

I also feel out of place when I go to family gatherings. People become so emotional and nostalgic about memories that I don't share with them. At the gatherings I did make the mistake of attending, I felt like an intruder rather than a guest.

I particularly don't like noisy situations where children run around and everybody talks at once. I'd rather be with a few or just one close friend than in an over-crowded house.

My rabbits are also great company. They make no other demands upon me than to feed and pet them. They're quiet creatures who enjoy an orderly situation. Joy isn't a frantic display of happiness but a steady feeling of well being. Seeing Deborah or Mark resting and enjoying the moment gives me so much more pleasure than loud parties.

I need no other gifts than to be left alone. Though I appreciate the thought, my tastes are far different than those of others. Quite often, I receive presents that I have no use for. Some even disgust me, such as the Santa toilet seat cover Mom gave me once.

One of my favourite activities on Christmas Day is to watch old videos and listen to music that I haven't heard in ages. I've been blessed with so much stuff that it could entertain me for a year before coming to the end of it.

Other people also feel as I do about this day. My next door neighbour, a friend in Jamaica, and another in Texas all agree with me that the whole Christmas spirit thing is humbug. What used to be a holy day has become a greed fest. Stores encourage kids to beg for the latest and greatest electronic gadgets and some become angry when they don't get them. That's not the attitude people ought to inculcate into their children.

So have your merry Christmas if you want. My rabbits and I will relax and enjoy the quietude of our home.


  1. Happy quiet, safe, warm, cozy and comfy Nativity of Christ, Bruce, Deborah and Mark! I envy you the peace and quiet you will enjoy today. I get guilted into "sharing" this day, when I just want to be at home in my jammies and fuzzy slippers and contemplating this moment in history.

    1. I know exactly how you feel, Brandi. Mark, Deborah, and I had a wonderful Christmas. Mark especially enjoyed it when I cleaned his pen and let him explore the living room. He's so cute the way he has to inspect everything I do. He gets so worked up too when I give his pumpkin with the Metacam in it. As for the spiritual aspect, I watched the Jesus film. That's my favourite portrayal of Christ.

  2. To each his own. It sounds like you and the rabbits had a nice day.

    As for me, although I don't like being around kids that much, either, I miss our family's Christmas celebrations. That's why next year, I'm going to try to spend Christmas in Florida with my brother and his family. It may not be a white Christmas, but it will be a holiday experience similar to what I had as a child.

    Abbie Johnson Taylor, Author of
    We Shall Overcome
    How to Build a Better Mousetrap:
    Recollections and Reflections of a Family Caregiver

  3. I don't mind being alone at Christmas either. I really don't feel alone since I have 8 rabbits and a very jealous African Gray Parrot who demands my attention. I feel very fortunate to have just what I already have. I need nothing else. I have wonderful friends and that's the best of all.


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