Tuesday 19 January 2016

Is the Bible Fiction?

As I wrote previously, miracles are God's way of validating his message. They happened in three waves in the times of Moses, Elijah, and Christ. Some miracles occur today but they aren't for showing off a preacher's holiness as the false teachers claim.

But is the Bible just fictional? An atheist wrote on one of my post that trusting Scripture is like basing society on Harry Potter books. Nothing could be further from the truth and I'll show you why.

The translators of the Bible took their job seriously. They made VERY sure to copy the most accurate meanings and idioms into their translations. Comparing texts with each other  allowed the original written document to emerge from the scripture fragments discovered by archeologists. Any mistakes became obvious and were therefore rejected.

I can't remember how many Old Testament documents currently exist but I've heard that five thousand fragments of The New Testament books have been unearthed by archeologists. Comparing these artifacts shows us that the majority of the words on them were present in all the fragments.

Furthermore, the Dead Sea scrolls show us that the books, Especially Isaiah, remained almost unchanged through the millennia. The Bible we hold in our hands has had scribal additions but none have contradicted the message of Scripture.

Since this is the case, I know that claims of the Bible being riddled with errors are patently false. I wrote in my How I Was Razed memoir how the house church minister tried to make us believe that

In the next post, I'll be writing about purported versions of the Bible and why they are dangerous to inexperienced believers.Watch this space.


  1. Its not merely a matter of the reliability of the eventual texts, but whether there are historical or other claims that are counterfactual. The creation story, the Flood and Babel stories are, among others, so off the mark that it calls into question any divine inspiration for it. @RJDownard on Twitter

  2. Why do you think that the flood and Babel accounts in other religions are counterfactual, James? They in fact verify the Bible. Diverse religions have the flood narrative and Babel as part of their system, showing a common origin.

    Geology also proves the Bible, unlike religions like Mormonism.

    Notice too that there isn't one writer of the Bible but as many as forty and it was written over a 1,500 year period. The books all affirm one another instead of contradicting each other. Any apparent contradictions don't exist because people read the Bible incorrectly.


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